Today I will meet with the kindergarten teacher who's class I recently pulled my daughter out of to homeschool her for the rest of the year. Messy. Without going into too many details, it just wasn't the environment we were hoping for her first school experience to be. It has been a very difficult first semester for us and this has been a difficult decision to come to. I haven't slept much, wrestling with the issues of the situation and trying to coming up with a good solution. It has been one of those parenting challenges that come up all the time in homes everywhere. One where any decision that is made could have lasting consequences, but not making a decision is not an option. When none of the choices seemed all that great, I just wanted one that I could feel peace about. I've been praying for an opportunity to show grace while also giving protection. I think it is going to work out that way. My daughter doesn't really understand what's going on. This is confusing for her and we're doing our best to make it work and help her through it. Her main concern is still getting to see her friends of course, so I'm trying to make that happen when we can.
And yes, over the weekend, we moved. AGAIN. Sort of. We still have a bunch of stuff to organize and move from the old house to this new one. It already feels more like a nest than a resort vacation home with all of our stuff in it to me, even with the boxes scattered everywhere and the feeling that I'll never find anything again. Our new garage is loaded to the rafters with all the stuff we need to let loose of, so that the next move...may it be a few years away...won't be as overwhelming as this one (or the last). It is hard to part with things (and people, really) that have been important in the past, or have the potential to be useful in the future. I keep trying to repurpose things and make them usable again. Sometimes, it is okay to let them go. Except, that one thing...oh and that one...and that one.
You may recall that less than a year ago we moved from our beloved Los Alamos to Santa Fe. At that time we took on a higher rent than we were comfortable with in order to be in the neighborhood we were interested in planting our lives and our church. It was, at that time, the only house available to rent when we needed it. Living there gave us a fantastic experience, meeting people we otherwise would not know now. However, we knew that when our lease was up we would need to find something else, with a little more comfortable rent. So here we are, in a different house in the same general area with all our stuff piled around. It will get sorted and it will get put into a usable order...hopefully soon for my sanity's sake. I will find the knives and other utensils that somehow ended up in the garage instead of the kitchen, and the countless other things that I don't even know are misplaced yet. (I think there are some missing potatoes, somewhere. Frightening!) We will get the other house emptied completely and cleaned up. It is just the process of it that is so messy.
Oh, and to top it off, next week is the science fair for our third grader. Jamie asked me a few weeks ago when the science fair was. I told him the dates and he said exactly what I was really thinking, "Well that's crappy timing!" I had to remind him that they didn't consult our schedule and purposefully put the science fair in the middle of our move.
Ah Normal, whoever you are, I am still searching for you. Don't lose hope. I will find you, and in doing so, maybe I'll find the knives, the potatoes (preferably sooner than later), the science board and myself as well.
I found the potatoes!