Friday, September 7, 2012

Apples, Apples, Apples

Nothing says Fall like a big batch of apples soaking in the sink.  Today was the day that I decided to tackle the bag of  apples that we picked from our neighbor's tree the other day.

Crockpot Applesauce was first on the list. I think I cored and peeled about thirty of those little cuties before having enough to start the batch of applesauce. Here is the recipe that I used:

The kids and I decided to dehydrate a bunch to snack on.  They enjoyed using a little used device that I earned at a Pampered Chef party several years ago.  After I dusted it off, the kids had a ton of fun spinning the skin off a dozen or so apples. 


The dehydrator was equally unused and needed a thorough cleaning...the kids were excited to help fill the trays with sliced fruit and couldn't wait until they were dried out.  I set the timer and they checked it multiple times and asked with anticipation (and a little whining) when they would be ready.

We've enjoyed the smells and taste of apple treats all day today.  The dehydrator is still humming away in the background as I write this post.  The applesauce was delicious, we enjoyed most of it for lunch and I'm turning the rest into fruit leather just for fun.  I was able to freeze two big bags of apple slices, ready for a yummy crisp or pie, and the kids LOVE the dehydrated apples that they had for a snack a little while ago.  I bagged up what didn't get eaten- they won't last long around here!

I love this time of year!

This Boy

This Baby Boy:

Just turned eight years old!

He came into this world screaming just in time for lunch and has been loud and hungry ever since! Recently he has decided he is too old to kiss his mom (or anyone else thankfully) on the lips.  He enjoys torturing his sisters until they scream.  He got a lot more freckles on his nose this year and finally weighs more than fifty pounds (fifty one and a half to be exact).  He loves all things involving Super Heroes, Legos, and being active.

Ironman Lego
Captain America Shield
We celebrated his day at a local historical attraction where he enjoyed these fun activities.
Making Tortillas
His Adobe House
And he got to share cupcakes with his friends at church.  He enjoyed his day!
Happy Birthday!


This Girl

This Baby Girl:

Turned Twelve years old the other day.

She loves cheesecake, chocolate, and all things electronic.

She was especially excited about this gift.  It wasn't cheesecake or chocolate.  She could probably text you a clue to the mystery of what is in the bag. 

We love this fun loving girl who is now going on thirteen ( heaven help us!).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More thankfulness...

I have to say that I have been dwelling on gratitiude quite a bit lately.  I know it is a bit early for Thanksgiving but I just really can't help myself.  Everywhere I look in our home I find reasons to be thankful.  We really are blessed. 

About two weeks ago, our friend and pastor's wife, kept all three of our kids for three nights and four days.  She entertained them and put up with their uniqueness.  She spoiled them with sugary soda and playtime in the hot tub.  She taught our oldest daughter how to crochet. She even washed their laundry and sent it home clean.  All this so Jamie and I could get away for some training and time to ourselves.  I have no doubt that she had a good time with my kids, but am equally sure that she was thrilled for a little peace and quiet following all the activity that having three young kids in your house can bring. 

Yesterday, I purged the boy's closet and dresser to make room for the next size/season of clothing.  I was thinking to myself, "this guy is going to need a few things for winter."  Then, I found the size 7 stash and to my surprise, he has more than he needs.  Pants are always a big deal because he always seems to put a hole in that left knee quicker than I can make plans to reinforce them.  He has so many pants, I don't know that I really need to worry about it.  Where did these magically appearing clothing come from?  Some I have purchased from yard sales etc...but most come from amazingly generous friends. Some even still had tags on them.  He is not going to need a thing.  The really fun part is that I get to pass his outgrown clothes on to someone else who will get even more wear out of them.  I have two big bags waiting in the hall.   The girls' room is next!

We homeschool.  That can be expensive.  Imagine buying every single curriculum item, book, binder, workbook, and school supply that you could possibly need for the school year.  It can really add up.  I know because some years that is exactly what we have done.  This year, I decided that apart from a few necessary purchases we were going to make due with what we already have.  It has been easy.  Why?  Because I have an amazing friend who gave me more books than I really know what to do with.  It is awesome.  I am a bit of a book hoarder collector to begin with, but to have so many books for all different subjects at my disposal, is just incredible.  I love them!  Hopefully they will all get read in the coming years.  I am looking forward to it. 

For the past few months, I've been getting a regular text from my great friend that says "are you ready for more boxes?"  They have recently moved into a new house and as she has been unpacking, I have been the lucky recipient of her empty boxes.  As we prepare to move ourselves, many will be filled with the books mentioned above and some other stuff.  I'm so glad that I don't have to hunt down boxes or purchase them at Home Depot.

Today was fruit day.  Wow!  We got to pick peaches and plums at a friend's house this morning.  We also came home with a dozen pears from her neighbor's house and then went around the corner and picked a bag of apples at a kind neighbor's to add to the mix.  I cut peaches for an hour and put them in the freezer except for the ones I used to make a delicious cobbler for dessert tonight.  I have more peaches to work on tomorrow and apples, apples, apples.  It is so much fun to harvest and "mess with" these beautiful fall fruits. 

Tonight, we took a little walk to visit some sweet friends.  They are like grandparents to my kids.  As soon as we got to their house, she asked my oldest daughter if she would like for her to cut her hair.  They had been talking about her trimming it for a few weeks.  So, she did.  It was fun to watch them interact with each other to decide on how much to cut.  Then, the little one came in and wanted a trim too.  They both left feeling loved and lovely.  Both of which they are. 

What do all of these have in common?  All the things I've listed here were the result of acts of kindness on the part of people who care about people, who care about us.  I am full of gratitude and overflowing. 

Tomorrow, I get to make dinner for our wonderful friends who recently had a baby and I can't wait to deliver visit with them and to see his precious face.  You can bet that there will be some sort of fruity dessert added to that meal! Later this week, I will get to pass on those hand-me-down clothes to a fun boy who can't wait to dig into the bags.  I will again feel gratitude for all that is done for me so that I can in turn do for others. 

More than anything, I am grateful for a God who sees all my needs and uses people to make my load lighter and my life a little more delicious!  As always, I am eternally grateful for the chance to be part of this amazing family: